Apprentices & Mentors



Choose Your Track

Track 1 – Surveyor Assistant/Instruments

This is a two-year program that requires 4,000 hours of on-the-job training in specific areas and a minimum of 375 hours of related classroom instruction, which Rowan University and NJIT will provide.

Track 2 – Surveyor 1

This is a four-year program that requires 8,000 hours of on-the-job training in specific areas and a minimum of 735 hours of related classroom instruction, which Rowan University and NJIT will provide.


Requirements and Application

  1. Make sure you have a current Student membership in NJSPLS.* If you are not a member, please download or complete the application online.
  2. Download and complete the Apprenticeship Application. When it is completed in its entirety, please email it to or fax (609) 392-6347.
  3. After reviewing the application, a member of our staff will contact you to discuss the details of your participation.
  4. You will be registered with the US Department of Labor upon approval.

Download Apprenticeship Application

View Curriculum


Note: Employers with current employees interested in entering either track will be individually assessed for possible prorated credit towards the on-the-job training requirement. Employees (and potential employees) already registered in related classroom courses will also be assessed for possible prorated credit toward the classroom instruction requirement.






  1. All mentors must be Full active members in NJSPLS* as licensed Professional Land Surveyors. If you are not a member, please download or complete the member application online.
  2. Mentors will meet with their apprentice on a weekly basis to assess their on-the-job training skills and report on their progress monthly.



The annual fee is based on the number of employees in the company. The fee is payable at the time of enrollment and will be re-billed annually on your enrollment anniversary. Membership in NJSPLS is required for all apprentices and mentors.

Annual Fee Structure:

To participate with one or more apprentices:

  • Firms with 1-10 Employees - $1,000 for the first apprentice; $250.00 for each additional apprentice
  • Firms with 11-50 Employees - $2,500 for the first apprentice; $500.00 for each additional apprentice
  • Firms with more than 50 Employees - $5,000 for the first apprentice; $1,000 for each additional apprentice


NJSPLS has established the NJSPLS Apprenticeship ERISA Trust (501c6). All checks are payable to “NJSPLS Apprenticeship” and sent to NJSPLS, 212 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608.


NJSPLS Application


* PLEASE NOTE: Our dues year runs from July 1 through June 30 annually.